Event-Image for 'Hudini Quintett'
Event-Image for 'Aare Valley Country Club presents: Bob Wayne'
Event-Image for 'Jan Van Angelopoulos + Fotis Siotas (GR)'
Event-Image for 'The Dreggs (AUS)'
Event-Image for 'Air'
Event-Image for 'The Dreggs & Tay Oske'
Event-Image for 'Alphorn-Montage'
Event-Image for 'Output Festival -  The many Colours of Jazz'
Event-Image for 'Jazz im Ink'
Event-Image for 'Howard Carpendale'
Event-Image for 'Montags 1018 Nik Bärtsch’s Ronin'
Event-Image for 'Folks Nowadays'
Event-Image for 'Jonathan Roy'
Event-Image for 'Der fliegende Teppich: Odessa'
Event-Image for 'MONTAGS 1018 - NIK BÄRTSCH'S RONIN'
Event-Image for 'Swiss Jazz Orchestra  & Caroline Davis'
Event-Image for 'Liaison'
Event-Image for 'Piano & Poesie'
Event-Image for 'Piano & Poesie'
Event-Image for 'THE DAVID REGAN ORCHESTRA Monday Night Sessions – Big Band'
Event-Image for 'Monomontag: Blanche Biau (Züri)'
Event-Image for 'Hundefutter'
Event-Image for 'Blanche Biau'
Event-Image for 'FRAK «Bach macht wach»'
Event-Image for 'Un été aux Cropettes - mardi 4 juin'
Event-Image for 'Sunset Sounds am Zürihorn mit Singer-Songwriter Levin'
Event-Image for 'Beizemusig'
Event-Image for 'Linda Elys'
Event-Image for 'Rezitalabende der Maturandinnen und Maturanden'
Event-Image for 'Tuesday Night Unplugged'
Event-Image for 'L.S. Dunes'
Event-Image for 'Kebu (Fin) – Synthesizer Legends Tour 2024'
Event-Image for 'Output Festival -  Jazz Chamäleon'
Event-Image for 'Concert Ensemble Vocal Cantoria'
Event-Image for 'Der fliegende Teppich: Odessa'
Event-Image for 'Christoph Borter'
Event-Image for 'Total Chaos  Möped Lads'
Event-Image for 'Laurel Halo / Phew'
Event-Image for 'Total Chaos  Möped Lads'
Event-Image for 'Zugabe - Ich gebe alles zu!'
Event-Image for 'Naturally 7'
Event-Image for 'Daniel Schnyder & Archos Quartet'
Event-Image for 'Donat Fisch Quartet'
Event-Image for 'José James presents 1978'
Event-Image for 'FRAK «Colors»'
Event-Image for 'Jam Session im Frankie's'
Event-Image for 'AabigLied'
Online-Verkauf beendet
Event-Image for 'Soulmaniacs'

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