



AFRONOVA GZ Roos, Roosstrasse 40, 8105 Regensdorf Tickets

Credits: Temesgen Biniam

GZ Roos, Regensdorf (CH)

We are pleased to invite you to the AFRONOVA party, an unforgettable night full of rhythm, dance and African vibes! Date: 08 June Time: From 22:00 Location: Roosstrasse 40, Regensdorf, Zurich The AFRONOVA party promises an exciting journey through the vibrant world of African music, dance and culture. Immerse yourself in the infectious rhythms of Afrobeat, Dancehall, Reggae and more as you enjoy a night full of energy and good humour. Experience the authentic sounds of Africa presented by our talented DJs and dance to the hottest hits from the African music scene. Our party offers a unique opportunity to meet like-minded people, make new friends and celebrate life. Don't miss the chance to be part of this special event and experience an unforgettable night. The AFRONOVA party promises to be an unforgettable experience for anyone who wants to feel the fire and passion of African culture. We look forward to welcoming you to the AFRONOVA Party and celebrating an unforgettable night together!

Der Event beginnt in
5 Tage
16 Std
23 Min
38 Sek

Our party offers a unique opportunity

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Veranstalter:in von AFRONOVA



Online-Verkauf endet am Samstag, 08.06.2024 22:00

Early Bird

CHF 10.00


CHF 15.00

Last Minute

CHF 20.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Die Schweizerische Post


Rheinfelden Tourismus


TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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GZ Roos, Roosstrasse 40, Regensdorf, CH

Links zum Event


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