


Quality Revolution–SHIT.THROP.O.CENE Premiere with Patagonia

Quality Revolution–SHIT.THROP.O.CENE Premiere with Patagonia Impact Hub Basel, Horburgstrasse 105, 4057 Basel Tickets

Credits: IHBS/Patagonia

Impact Hub Basel, Basel (CH)

Join us on the third ReGen Basel* - Fashion Series event, this time for the Quality Revolution – SHIT.THROP.O.CENE Premiere with Patagonia at Impact Hub Basel!

The event will be kicked off by Patagonia with the screening of their latest film on the role of quality and longevity in fashion. Patagonia speaker, Vanessa Rueber, will then give an overview of the brand's key activities to support clothing quality and longevity – including Mend, Repair program and ReCrafted project.

Following with discussion with local startups Vyn and moefe to explore the importance of durability, practicality and quality design when it comes to fashion. Attendees will walk away learning how to determine a quality product and to fall in love with slow fashion through the concept that by keeping what we wear longer, we actually buy less.

🗓 Agenda

  • 17.45 - Doors open
  • 18:00 - Welcome and introductions by Impact Hub Basel
  • 18:10 - ReGen introductions by revyven and Beth Durent Circularity
  • 18:20 - SHIT.THROP.O.CENE Film Screening
  • 19:15 - Patagonia speaker Vanessa Rueber
  • 19:25 - Vyn and moefe presentations
  • 19:40 - Discussion with Patagonia, Vyn and moefe
  • 19:50 - Q&A

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Join us on the third ReGen Basel* - Fashion Series event, this time for the Quality Revolution – SHIT.THROP.O.CENE Premiere with Patagonia at Impact Hub Basel!

The event will be kicked off by Patagonia with the screening of their latest film on the role of quality and longevity in fashion. Patagonia speaker, Vanessa Rueber, will then give an overview of the brand's key activities to support clothing quality and longevity – including Mend, Repair program and ReCrafted project.

Following with discussion with local startups Vyn and moefe to explore the importance of durability, practicality and quality design when it comes to fashion. Attendees will walk away learning how to determine a quality product and to fall in love with slow fashion through the concept that by keeping what we wear longer, we actually buy less.

🗓 Agenda

  • 17.45 - Doors open
  • 18:00 - Welcome and introductions by Impact Hub Basel
  • 18:10 - ReGen introductions by revyven and Beth Durent Circularity
  • 18:20 - SHIT.THROP.O.CENE Film Screening
  • 19:15 - Patagonia speaker Vanessa Rueber
  • 19:25 - Vyn and moefe presentations
  • 19:40 - Discussion with Patagonia, Vyn and moefe
  • 19:50 - Q&A
  • 20:15 - Networking Apéro
  • 21:00 - End

🌱 But that's not all! The ReGen* Basel Fashion Series is a curated line-up of four events to raise awareness and drive action towards a more sustainable and regenerative fashion industry. Make sure to save the dates in your calendar and join us and a winning team of professionals and industry experts in all four events:

🔜 SAVE THE DATE: Regeneration in Action â€“ Autumn 2024 (stay tuned to learn more!)


*ReGen Basel - Building a Regenerative Community is a collaborative series between Impact Hub BaselreVyven and Beth Durent CircularityReGen Basel's purpose is to raise awareness about the environmental impact of consumer products and systems by creating a forum for local networks to connect, collaborate, and take action to contribute toward the transition of Basel to a more regenerative system. 

**(EN) Please note that by registering and participating in this event, you agree to the recording of your appearance and/or your voice, which Impact Hub Basel Association can publish in photos, videos and accompanying sound recordings via online and offline media, and for marketing purposes. (DE) Bitte beachte, dass du mit der Anmeldung und Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung der Aufzeichnung deines Auftritts und/oder deiner Stimme zustimmst, die der Verein Impact Hub Basel in Form von Fotos, Videos und begleitenden Tonaufnahmen über Online- und Offline-Medien sowie zu Marketingzwecken veröffentlichen kann.

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Event organiser

Event organiser of Quality Revolution–SHIT.THROP.O.CENE Premiere with Patagonia

Verein Impact Hub Basel


Sale ends on Thursday, 13.06.2024 21:00

Donation (recommended CHF10 - pay at the event )

CHF 0.00

Partners and Impact Hub Basel members

CHF 0.00

General (Impact Hub Basel Coworking Day Pass included)

CHF 20.00

Students and Colourkey members

CHF 10.00

Prices incl. taxes

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Tickets are also available at our Box offices.

Box offices

Tickets for this event can be found at the following box offices:

Swiss Post



Tourism Rheinfelden

TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
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Impact Hub Basel, Horburgstrasse 105, Basel, CH

Event organiser

Quality Revolution–SHIT.THROP.O.CENE Premiere with Patagonia is organised by:

Verein Impact Hub Basel