


AYNI New Moon Cacao Ceremony with Juan & Purnama

AYNI New Moon Cacao Ceremony  with Juan & Purnama Soul City, Dienerstrasse 10, 8004 Zürich Tickets

Credits: Puente Pelangi

Soul City, Zürich (CH)

» AYNI • New Moon Cacao Ceremony «
» 5. July 2024 • 7 - 9 PM
» Soul City Zurich

We welcome in the new lunar phase, accompanied by cacao, music medicine and Andean & Balinese inspired community offerings. Let us weave our hearts and voices in the spirit of joy, devotion, gratitude, and celebration of life.

Embark on a journey where music & ceremony beautifully intertwine, creating a bridge between ancient traditions and diverse lineages of Earth and wisdom keepers that speak to our Hearts & Soul - Puente Pelangi. 🌈

From tales of the enchanting jungles of Indonesia, to ancient mantras from India over to the uplifting rhythms of South America, we get inspired to celebrate life, appreciate the richness of cultural diversity and set new intentions for our journeys ahead.

May the gifts of this gathering ripple out into the world as we weave our voices & hearts together through the magic of music, singing our prayers and dreams into manifestation.  ✨


Juan and Purnama are dedicated to create soulful ceremonies, inspired by the lineages of earth and wisdom keepers that speak to their hearts & soul. Their project Puente Pelangi signifies the rainbow bridge between worlds, where


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» AYNI • New Moon Cacao Ceremony «
» 5. July 2024 • 7 - 9 PM
» Soul City Zurich

We welcome in the new lunar phase, accompanied by cacao, music medicine and Andean & Balinese inspired community offerings. Let us weave our hearts and voices in the spirit of joy, devotion, gratitude, and celebration of life.

Embark on a journey where music & ceremony beautifully intertwine, creating a bridge between ancient traditions and diverse lineages of Earth and wisdom keepers that speak to our Hearts & Soul - Puente Pelangi. 🌈

From tales of the enchanting jungles of Indonesia, to ancient mantras from India over to the uplifting rhythms of South America, we get inspired to celebrate life, appreciate the richness of cultural diversity and set new intentions for our journeys ahead.

May the gifts of this gathering ripple out into the world as we weave our voices & hearts together through the magic of music, singing our prayers and dreams into manifestation.  ✨


Juan and Purnama are dedicated to create soulful ceremonies, inspired by the lineages of earth and wisdom keepers that speak to their hearts & soul. Their project Puente Pelangi signifies the rainbow bridge between worlds, where the wisdom of various ancient cultures together as one.

Purnama is a Balinese-Swiss devotional singer, songwriter and ceremonialist who received a rich spiritual heritage through her ancestry. Her life's passion is to unite and empower people through the universal language of music, and cultivating sacred spaces that serve as sanctuaries for authentic expression, liberating voices and hearts alike.

Juan is a ceremonialist, facilitator and medicine musician with Argentinian roots, passionate about creating spaces for people to experience positive transformation, embodied change and reconnect with Mother Earth. He brings together +13 years of experience in the fields of wellness, holistic healing, alternative lifestyles and the wisdom from his life journey and initiations.



Early Bird (first 5 seats): 50 Fr.
Regular: 60 Fr.
At the door: 65 Fr.

Support tickets 40 Fr. Early Bird / 50 Fr. regular
For those with low income.

If you want to join but have financial limitations, we offer free tickets in exchange with your help (set up, clean up, taking pictures etc.). Please reach out to us via email or on our Instagram to connect :)

Door opens at 6:30 / Tueroeffnung um 18:30 Uhr
Ceremony starts at 7 PM / Zeremonie startet um 19 Uhr.
​​​​​​​Thank you for being on time! 

Much love,
Purnama & Juan

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Veranstalter:in von AYNI New Moon Cacao Ceremony  with Juan & Purnama

Purnama Music Medicine


Online-Verkauf endet am Freitag, 05.07.2024 21:00

Early Bird

CHF 50.00


Early Bird, Support ticket (low income, students etc.)

CHF 40.00



CHF 60.00

Regular, Support ticket (low income, students etc.)

Nur noch 3 Tickets verfügbar
CHF 50.00

Abundance (if you can give more & want to support us!)

CHF 70.00

Preise inkl. Steuern

Total: XX.XX CHF
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Die Schweizerische Post


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TourismusRegion Baden

Total: XX.XX CHF

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Soul City, Dienerstrasse 10, Zürich, CH


AYNI New Moon Cacao Ceremony with Juan & Purnama wird organisiert durch:

Purnama Music Medicine